
I'm Adrian Rosipal

I'm a software developer with a passion for everything front end.
Welcome to my small corner of the internet.

Tech Stack

  • JavaScript icon
  • TypeScript icon
  • html icon
  • css icon
  • tailwind icon
  • react icon
  • angular icon
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About Me

I currently work closely with clients (mostly airlines) on cutting-edge airline booking system and provide top-notch solutions. Before diving into front-end development, I had a mix of experiences—from managing airline booking system migrations as a project manager to working on trading platforms covering different asset classes. I also spent time at PwC, IBM, and BNP Paribas, picking up skills in business, finance, and tech along the way. Outside of work, I enjoy finance, investing and sports, along with traveling, reading, and tackling new challenges. Whether I'm working with clients or pursuing my own interests, I always aim to produce work that exceeds expectations as I ultimately believe that if you do something, do it on 100%.


Software Developer


03/2024 - Present

Developing, and maintaining a high-performance airline booking system used by over 80 airlines worldwide. Utilizing a modern tech stack—including Angular, RxJS, Redux, Jasmine, and Karma—to build scalable, efficient, and user-friendly interfaces, ensuring seamless booking and servicing experiences.

Implementation Engineer


07/2023 - 03/2024

Implementation of several different airline related services such as booking systems to over 80 airlines over the world.

Front End Developer

Adaptive Financial Consulting

09/2022 - 03/2023

Building a stock trading platform in React using the Scrum framework. Developing an internal React component library

Business Analyst


08/2019 - 08/2020

Part of several projects with people from the US, Brazil and Europe where I managed reporting, led daily scrum meetings a prepared daily reports using SQL and several internal tools.


University of Strathclyde

Glasgow, Scotland

Master's, Software Development 09/2021 - 09/2022

Glasgow Caledonian University

Glasgow, Scotland

Bachelor's, Business Management 09/2017 - 09/2021


  • Google Python Certification
  • IBM Agile Explorer


Moving Averages Calculator and Visualizer

Simple Flask web app that allows users to analyze stock prices using Moving averages, Bollinger bands and stock analysis.

Python Flask

Stock Tracker

A stock stock platform where you can search for any given stock, see its current price, history, company overview, etc.

React TS Tailwind

Get in touch!

finger poiting down
email adrian.rosipal98@gmail.com
phone number +33 6 28 24 94 61
resume Resume
linked in LinkedIn